Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Parable Sculpture

Picture gallery of The Parable Sculpture

The Life and Death of Dr. José P. Rizal Photo Gallery by Carinoza

The Life and Death of Dr. José P. Rizal Photo Gallery by Carinoza

Rizal being taught the "Parable of the Moth" Rizal the student: Rizal the Can you please complete the information of each sculpture, kindly include the person

Sculptureworks, Inc.

Sculptureworks, Inc.

The sculpture "The Sower" is of a woman sowing seeds from her apron. The sculpture was inspired by the Parable of the Sower.

Home - About LLUAHSC: Good Samaritan Sculpture

Home - About LLUAHSC: Good Samaritan Sculpture

The Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan sculpture, located on the campus mall, is a graphic representation of the parable told by Jesus in Luke 10:30-37:

Parable of the Ten Virgins : Wikis (The Full Wiki)

Parable of the Ten Virgins : Wikis (The Full Wiki)

It was one of the most popular parables in the Middle Ages with enormous influence on Gothic art, sculpture and the architecture of German and French cathedrals.

Parable of the Ten Virgins - Reference

Parable of the Ten Virgins - Reference

The Parable of the Ten Virgins, also known as the parable of the Holy Week. [citation needed] In the arts. This parable has been a popular subject for painting, sculpture

Parables: Wood Sculptures - Fox Chapel Publishing - Craft, Hobby

Parables: Wood Sculptures - Fox Chapel Publishing - Craft, Hobby

An illustrative and reflective look at the unique sculpture of J. Christopher White. J. Christopher White's sculptures, lovingly carved from West Texas juniper, are

Tom White, Monumental Bronze Sculptor, Billy Graham Library "Sower

Tom White, Monumental Bronze Sculptor, Billy Graham Library "Sower

Tom White was honored to create an eight-foot bronze monumental sculpture scene of Jesus' parable of the "Sower & the Soils", depicted in Mark 4:2-20, which was

Biblical Art on the WWW

Biblical Art on the WWW

Episodes of the life of Christ in a landscape ABBATE, Niccolò dell' Parable of the sower BIDA, Alexandre Landscape with the parable of the sower

Nathan rebukes David with the parable of the poor man's lamb

Nathan rebukes David with the parable of the poor man's lamb

Nathan rebukes David with the parable of the poor man's lamb. Notes: The Basilique of The artwork for this week's Lectionary reading is one of over 100 sculptures or

Welcome to the "Prodigal Son" sculpture - Bronze Sculptures

Welcome to the "Prodigal Son" sculpture - Bronze Sculptures

As the parable continues the son, despite his wayward behavior, is welcomed and contemporary dilemmas, sculptor captures gravity defying bronze sculptures figures

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